Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

I had heard of this book, but did not realize we had a copy in the library till it literally jumped off the shelves when I was helping someone find a different book.  I just had to read it.  I love books that deal with near death experiences.  One of my favorites is "Heaven is for Real."  Anyway, this is the story of Eddie.  Eddie is a pretty gruff old man, and unfortunately, Eddie dies.  This is the story of the 5 people Eddie meets after his death.  They help Eddie make sense of his life and the choices that he made during his life.  Some of them are people that Eddie has no idea he had an effect on.  I liked the way this book showed that our lives are tied to others by even the smallest choices that we make.  I couldn't put this little book down!  I loved it.


  1. This looks like an interesting book. Is it fiction of nonfiction? I recently read a book that makes me believe that heaven truly exists. The book is called, "Held By The Hand Of God: Why Am I Alive" by author Joe Laws. It truly has strengthened my belief in God..

    1. This is a work of fiction. The author says that he was inspired by his uncle who, after a stay in the hospital, said he say his relatives at the end of the bed waiting for him.
