Monday, May 5, 2014

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender

Ok fans of Bad Girls Don't Die and From Bad to Cursed, Katie Alender has given you another ghost story that will keep you reading.  It kept me reading all Sunday and I finished it late afternoon!  Colette is very excited to visit Paris with her French class and hopes she finds out a bit more about her father's side of the family while she is there.  When they get there, the newspapers are full of stories about people getting murdered by beheading which causes some concern.  (I think that if I was escorting a bunch of high schoolers to a foreign city while a serial killer was on the loose I would be a bit more apprehensive but anyway...) Colette soon finds out that the murders may have a tie to the French Revolution and goes about trying to find out what, if anything, her family has to do with them.  Before each murder you get a little glimpse into the world of the serial killer's victim. There is also the side plot of Colette figuring out who she is as opposed to who she pretends to be with her friends.  I really enjoyed this ghost story as well as all the glimpses of Paris.  I have been to Paris and I LOVED it and really liked hearing about all the neighborhoods.  I hadn't been to the Palace of Versailles and now I really want to go. 

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