Sunday, August 10, 2014

Scream Street: Fang of the Vampire by Tommy Donbavand

I know that, unlike myself, not everyone wants to spend every extra minute they have reading.  If you are one of these people, the Scream Street series may be for you.  I enjoyed this little book.  It has a great story but doesn't take too long to get through it.  Luke is a werewolf and because he transformed in front of a "normal" he and his parents must move to Scream Street.  Scream Street is a place for creatures like him as well as mummies, vampires, goblins and zombies.  The problem is Luke's parents are "normals" and are scared out of their wits to be here.  Luke and his new friends try to find the relics of the founding fathers of Scream Street to get them back to his old world.  It looks like each book will be a piece of his story to get back.  (Good thing I bought the whole series for the library!)

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