Monday, September 16, 2013

The Price of Loyalty by Mike Castan

This book made me think about another book I read and blogged about last year called "Choke."  In both stories the main character KNOWS what they are doing is not a good choice but because their "friends" want them to do it they do it anyway.  I just want to shake some sense into them.  I know that standing up to your peers is tough but you should never compromise your principles just to please a friend.  So Manny gets himself in a pretty difficult situation with drugs and gang violence when he doesn't stand up for what he knows is the right thing to do.  There was a very powerful line in this book: "You are who your friends are, Manny."  Isn't that the truth.  Be aware of the choices your friends are making because you are now a young adult and the choices you make can have pretty big real world consequences. 

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